Black Lamb…importer...negociant...distributor...

Importer....We are a California / New York based importer of low technology wines and fermentables primarily from Georgia and Central Europe. These are not well known regions and their wines even less so. Ironically, it is this lack of attention that insulates the wines of these regions from the homogenization that defines modern wine. We are not interested in homogenous wine. We seek singular wines of imagination that communicate something about the place and people who made them. As importers, it is our job to bend the market to these wines rather than the wines to the market. Doing this protects the diversity of wine on our table and yours while encouraging, if not providing a livelihood for, the artisan crafts people who produce them. is a craft, a commodity, a consumable, something social, it is an object, an essence of place, it is enduring, ephemeral, stimulating, inebriating; a strange and fantastic aesthetic. Negociant is our creative outlet where we workshop with makers.

distributor…In California and New York we distribute our imports along with a selection of domestically produced ferments. Out of state distributors interested in our products please enquire here